impolite lines

Sarah Beddow

Sarah B. Boyle is a poet.

Filtering by Tag: sex

[sixty-minute memoir] Signals and Noise

I had this idea many years ago to create a wiki that was structured like TV Tropes only it would catalogue red flags, those signs in a relationship that something was wrong and you had to get out. “The Dictionary of Red Flags,” I would call it. The idea was to rigorously catalog and cross-reference women’s stories—not just the ones that end in rape, date rape, and abuse, but everyday stories of bullshit, too—to show that we werem’t making these things up. It was a way to take the fuzzy science of intuition and make it logical, irreducible. I may still try to pursue this idea, who knows. Stay tuned! Or email me if you’re into the idea!

I remain fascinated by the idea of red flags. And I wonder what more stories could have done for me when I was young and flailing about. I suspect there’s no saving everyone from all bad encounters. But as a teenager, it was almost impossible to recognize the red flags because all I could see anywhere was red. I was lusty and confident. I had a firm grasp on my sexuality. I had a firm grasp, sequentially and with mixed results, on a number of boys, too. The noise was overwhelming: anything could be a sign that he liked me, he wanted me, he’d be good to me, we had a chance. The noise was filled with signals. The real signals were no better than noise, ultimately.

I was in the marching band my entire high school career. There are some marching band logistics you should know before I tell this story: the band was organized by ranks. Each rank was stable throughout the year, and each had eight people. The rightmost member of the rank was always a senior and the rank leader. The leftmost member of the rank was second in charge and an upperclassman, never a freshman.

This is the band my sophomore year, marching in the Rose Bowl Parade. I am not in this photo. My dad took dozens of pictures of me. Turns out, though, that he took dozens of pictures of my friend Caitlin. We admittedly look a lot alike.

This is the band my sophomore year, marching in the Rose Bowl Parade. I am not in this photo. My dad took dozens of pictures of me. Turns out, though, that he took dozens of pictures of my friend Caitlin. We admittedly look a lot alike.

So my freshman year, I was in my friend Dana’s brother’s rank. Eric played saxophone and was generally a solid guy, as far as I can remember. His friend Justin, who also played saxophone, was in our rank, too. I can’t remember if he was the leftmost member of the rank or if he in fact marched right next to me in the middle of the rank. As an adult, looking back, this is the first red flag. Why didn’t he get his own rank? I have some vague memories that Justin, Eric, and . . . a third saxophone player whose name I forget? . . . were mischievous, naughty. But to be disallowed from having your own rank? What did Justin even do?

I had a miserable crush on him. Again, with adult eyes, I can tell you that it was less a crush and more an overwhelming physical chemistry. But anyway, I thought he was great. The band trip that year was to Disney World, taking that week after Christmas and before the return to school. My friend Eve and I spent nearly the whole trip hanging out with Eric and Justin. I remember a banquet with other bands where I was devastated because Justin was dancing with some older girl from another school district and barely registered me as a person. After days of riding rides together.

I remember so distinctly being inside that big ball at Epcot, sharing the tiny car, and our legs touching. I had these dumb curly shoelaces and he was commenting on them. I didn’t even want to move my feet as we talked about those shoelaces because that would mean my leg would no longer be pressed against his and I wasn’t sure how I could get back to that place once it was over. And now he had forsaken me. I cried, lying across three banquet chairs, obscured by the tablecloth. (Shoutout to Nate Dawg, yes he called himself that, who was like the only person who noticed and checked in on me.) So here’s another red flag then: why did two 17- or 18-year-old boys hang out with 14-year-old me and Eve for the entirety of their senior band trip, save that one banquet? Also, as I learned that same night, he had a whole girlfriend at home. So really, multiple red flags. But it was all so noisy. I believed so fully we would get together. I never believed at all even a little that we would get together. The whole trip hung in that place before the hookup, where it is all anticipation and fortune-telling.

A few years later, let’s say I was seventeen and Justin was 21, I ran back into him. Somehow. I don’t even know. He was in school at the University of Pittsburgh, and I was at least a little older but definitely still in high school. We went on a date. He played a CD in the car but skipped to the next track after the first minute of every song: “I remember how it goes,” he explained. Was this a red flag? Or just seriously fucking annoying? I couldn’t tell then, and I can’t tell now either. We went to the Borders and wandered around for a bit. Then we made out in his car until the windows fogged up. He put his dick back in his pants after some period of time, saying we shouldn’t press our luck. Was this normal desire or a red flag, the part where I was jerking him off in his car in the parking lot of the Borders?

We went back to my house where we continued to make out on the floor of my family room. I remember knowing, with certainty, that he was trying to get his dick in me. Not like generally trying to get in pants. But specifically angling himself so his dick would be in my vadge. This is definitely a red flag. This was, even at the time, a red flag to me. I knew I was a virgin, but he didn’t. But also there was no condom anywhere, and I was very clear that unprotected sex was a very not okay thing to try. The night ended, and I did not talk to him again.

I told Dana all about it, though. Dana who was Eric’s sister, who knew Justin better than anyone else in our grade. I told her I didn’t want to see him again because he was a little rapey. It was a whole vibe he had about him. I bet it was all the red flags I’ve outlined above hitting me, but I couldn’t have told you those were important signals in all the noise. I only know that somehow the signals had reached me and coalesced into a strong sense that I should, in no uncertain terms, go out with him again. Dana laughed and agreed wholeheartedly. Whatever it was about him, I was not alone in recognizing it. And Dana probably wouldn’t have been able to tell you what it was exactly, either. But it was real and to be avoided.

Did I go out with him again? Did I talk to him again? I know he knew that I called him rapey because I remember him confronting me about it, joking with me about it. That was a red flag and I knew it in the moment.

On Valentine’s Day, I got a Valentine in the mail from him saying it had been too long. I think he spelled my name wrong, “Sara—” it said, probably. Lol: an obvious reason to not go back out with him, but not necessarily a red flag. His printing was blocky, done in a think pen like one of those Papermate Flair felt-tipped pens teachers all love. It was distinctly unsexy. I threw the card away. This is likely the first time my intuition told me things I couldn’t explain but I listened to it anyway.

I still don’t know how a teenage girl can untangle the signals from the noise. Desire alone is so noisy. And the body wants things the mind and heart often do not—especially when the hormones of puberty are pumping away. But how do you know a guy is a creep when the only signs are subtle, or subtler than flamingly obvious anyway. I think back at how I used to flirt—I watch high schoolers flirt, from a distance as their teacher—and subtlety has no place in that world. Yet still, small signals are going up all the time, and we missed them at our own peril.

This is, I think, why the “Dictionary of Red Flags” project still appeals to me. The impossibility of adolescence is eternal. And the way that the culture devalues instincts, small signals, and women’s voices continues to endanger girls who are trying to navigate the impossibility of adolescence. What would it be to read stories and actually see an articulation of a thing you had only ever felt?

[sixty-minute memoir] "I only date people I can see myself marrying."

Once, I had a crush on a boy. He was quite tall and skinny with short but slightly curling hair and very blue eyes. He had a wallet chain (probably, seems likely). He played trombone in the marching band and was one year older than me.

Once, everyone was talking and talking and talking but not to me. I knew, though, that they were talking about me. I cornered my friend Emily—really more a friend/acquaintance, right there on the line, you know?—and asked her to tell me what everyone was talking about. “If it’s about me, then I’m going to find out eventually. So why not just tell me now?” I said. She relented.

Once, even before I had my crush, my friend Kelly had a crush on the same boy. I didn’t know about the crush until after I had my crush. Now, twenty years into the future, it seems impossible to me I didn’t know about Kelly’s crush. Now, Kelly is one of my best friends and almost the only friend from high school I still talk to regularly. But this was the fall of our junior year, and I didn’t start hanging out with the group of girls I would consider my high school best friends until that year. So maybe I did know about the crush, but maybe we weren’t close enough yet for that to matter? Certainly I was boy crazy and hungry for attention. My memory, though, is that I liked him before I knew she liked him, and thus I was free to follow my own desires.

Once, the boy I had a crush on asked me to homecoming and I said yes, even as everyone around me gossiped about it. The gossip was at least in part due to this boy’s almost never asking girls out. I suppose he was a little shy. I remember, after we had agreed to go to the dance together, asking him if he wanted to get ice cream after the football game. (We were in the band, so we were at all the football games.) I think maybe he said no. That discussion also involved his waxing poetically about the long drum solo in this Royal Crown Revue song, which I persist in thinking is deeply boring even though I have quite a lot of affection and admiration for the Royal Crown Revue to this day.

Once, we went to the dance together and he wore Doc Martens that were also brogues, a three-piece suit, and a pocket watch with a chain threaded through his vest. I had my hair professionally styled into an upside-down french braid. Probably we had a good time. The way my ankle is twisting in that photo on the left is sending me right now, I tell you. I will be forty in a few days, and this version of me has a certain softness that I don’t know what to make of. I think I tried to get that softness back a few years ago, and all that happened is I got ground into the dirt.


Once, after the dance, I asked that boy to be my boyfriend. We were in the high school parking lot, standing between cars. Probably one of those cars was his. He said no because he wouldn’t date anyone he couldn’t see himself marrying. I was very sad, but not completely unused to putting myself out there and being rejected. I was also kind of outraged—how do you even know if you want to marry someone if you don’t date them. I’m still a little outraged for 16-year-old me. What a baffling dating policy.

More than once, in the weeks that followed, Kelly and I were not bus buddies on the bus ride to an away game. Probably we didn’t even wear our hair in matching pigtails.

Once, Kelly told me later, with great regret and sincere apologies, she and one of my best friends from middle school and at least one other person, a girl I only talked to in whole-class discussions, had a conversation in the locker room of all the boys I had probably fucked. The list was long. I had fucked no boys by my junior year of high school. I had fucked no boys by the end of high school.

Once some girls in a locker room made me a villain to soothe another girl’s broken heart. They told a story that changed the way other people saw me and eventually, even though I didn’t even know they had told that story, it changed the way I understood myself.

Once I saw that best friend from middle school at the Handmade Arcade. We hadn’t been friends since that moment when I said yes to going to homecoming with this boy who I liked. I was very pregnant, walking up the aisles. She was walking down the aisles. We passed each other more than once, crisscrossing across the convention center. Not a single time did we acknowledge each other. Some animosity is too deep for healing.

Once, some time later because we talk only occasionally—some friendships let you talk only occasionally without compromising the warmth and strength of a long tangled history together—I told Kelly about seeing this former friend and how doggedly we avoided eye contact, any acknowledgment at all of a shared past. And Kelly and I laughed at the pain and ridiculousness of it.